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Active tender notices of the Annual Procurement Plan number 178019 published on eGP portal of Bangladesh..
APP ID: 178019
Organization: Bangladesh Power Development Board
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, S&D Division-Stadium,Chittagong
1) Tender ID: 646032
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-03
Repair and Maintenance work of jumper loop, connector change, tree trimming around the right of way of 33KV Line including all other necessary emergency works of 33 KV Khulshi-Stadium Ckt-02 Under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-01-10 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-01-24 16:00:00
2) Tender ID: 646033
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-17
Repair and maintenance work of Jumper loop , connector change and maintenance of raising cable at bakulia end, tree trimming around the right of way of line and other related necessary maintenance work of Bakulia-Stadium 33 KV Line under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-01-10 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-01-24 16:00:00
3) Tender ID: 646034
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Stationary G-01
Supply of different types and size connector terminal rod rubber gaskit different size bushing and other materials for the operation and maintenance of electric lines under S&D Stadium BPDB Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-01-10 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-01-24 16:00:00
4) Tender ID: 646333
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-10
Systematic development of lines for load reduction, transformer installation in load center, isolation installation, 11/0.4 kv line maintenance and other related necessary maintenance work of 11 KV H-14 Feeder under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-01-10 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-01-24 16:00:00
5) Tender ID: 648812
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-16
Repair and maintenance work of 11 KV Jumper Maintenance at various place, damaged HT and LT line maintenance,isolator installation and other related maintenance work of 11 KV K-06 feeder under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-01-24 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-02-09 15:30:00
6) Tender ID: 648816
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Furniture-01
Supply of various types of furniture for administrative building, substation, complain center and vending station under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-01-24 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-02-09 15:30:00
7) Tender ID: 649128
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Est Veh-04
Engine overhauling, suspension, ball joint, class plate, pressure plate change and other necessary repair and maintenance work of double cab pickup vehicle no Chatto Metro-11-0101 under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-01-25 11:00:00 Document last selling: 2022-02-09 15:30:00
8) Tender ID: 645716
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-06
Repair and maintenance work Jumper, Isolator installation,tree trimming around the right of way of line,HT line maintenance and other related necessary maintenance work of 11KV H-10 Feeder Under S&D Stadium,BPDB,Chattogram
Published on: 2022-01-10 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-01-24 16:00:00
9) Tender ID: 645766
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-13
11KV Jumper maintenance, HT line,LT line maintenance, isolator installation at various area and other related maintenance work of 11KV H-21 feeder under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-01-10 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-01-24 16:00:00
10) Tender ID: 637668
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-05
Repair and Maintenance work of damaged LT cable changing,Transformer installation/exchange, Load sharing, isolator installation including all other necessary emergency works at H-04 11KV feeder under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram.
Published on: 2021-12-13 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2021-12-28 15:30:00
11) Tender ID: 637213
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD EST wages Std-7
Wages for Cleaning and Sweeping of General Rest house-1 and VIP Rest house-2 at Chattewasary road under S&D Stadium,BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2021-12-13 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2021-12-28 15:30:00
12) Tender ID: 637192
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Carrying W-01
Carrying of allocated Transformer CT PT Metering unit Breaker cable pole and other materials allocated from different stores CERS & ZERS and others office to S&D Stadium Store under S&D Stadium BPDB Chattogram, from July'21 to June'22
Published on: 2021-12-13 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2021-12-28 15:30:00
13) Tender ID: 697329
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-08
Repair and maintenance work of Damaged HT and LT line maintenance, Isolator installation,tree trimming around the right of way of lines and other related necessary maintenance of 11 KV H-01&H-02 Feeder under S&D Stadium,BPDB,Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-05-17 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2022-06-01 15:30:00
14) Tender ID: 684226
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Stationary G-02
Supply of PIV Tape Raincoat Torch Light bamboo Ladder safety belt hand gloves slide chain saw, quality draw vice, kopikal, rope, different range fuse and other necessary materials under S&D Stadium BPDB Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-04-12 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2022-04-26 15:30:00
15) Tender ID: 684228
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD EST Stationary-03
Supply of Slip printer Laser Printer cartridge and other materials for vending related works of vending station under S&D Stadium BPDB Chattogram
Published on: 2022-04-12 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2022-04-26 15:30:00
16) Tender ID: 668324
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Equipments-01
Installation of CCTV Camera at BPDB resthouse, Chattewasary road and other premises including all other related necessary works under S&D Stadium, BPDB,Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-03-06 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-03-20 16:00:00
17) Tender ID: 668328
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-11
Repair and maintenance work of Damaged LT Cable change at various area, transformer installation/reinstallation for load sharing, isolator installation and other related necessary maintenance works of 11 KV H-15 feeder under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-03-06 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-03-20 16:00:00
18) Tender ID: 668319
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD EST Stationary-05
Supply of Crocarise item and Monohori necessary goods for resthouse under S&D Stadium BPDB Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-03-06 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-03-20 16:00:00
19) Tender ID: 649134
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Est Veh-06
Repair and Maintenance work of old jeep vehicle no Chatto Metro-NA-4260 under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-01-24 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-02-09 15:30:00
20) Tender ID: 649144
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Est Veh-07
Repair and maintenance work including gear box, side light, wheel cylinder, regulator related work and other necessary maintenance work of old single cabin vehicle no Cox's bazar TA-17 under S&D Stadium,BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-01-24 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-02-09 15:30:00
21) Tender ID: 654262
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STYD Est Veh-03
Engine Overhauling, Chasis, Gear box change including ball joint,pressure plate and other necessary repair and maintenance work of old double cab pickup Chattogram Na-4704 under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-02-02 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-02-16 15:30:00
22) Tender ID: 697321
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Civil W-01
Coloring of administrative building, boundary wall, cement layring of switch yard,various pad,repair and maintenance work of all boundary wall, fencing of all boundary wall and other necessary related maintenance work under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-05-17 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2022-06-01 15:30:00
23) Tender ID: 684220
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Est Veh-12
Procurement and supply of battery for different vehicles under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-04-12 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2022-04-26 15:30:00
24) Tender ID: 668318
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD EST Stationary-04
Supply of paper roll and other related necessary goods for vending related works of vending station under S&D Stadium, BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-03-06 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-03-20 16:00:00
25) Tender ID: 649218
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Est Veh-05
Repair and maintenance work including engine overhauling and other related maintenance work of old single cabin pickup, vehicle no Chatto Metro-9606 under S&D Stadium,BPDB, Chattogram
Published on: 2022-01-24 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-02-09 15:30:00
26) Tender ID: 649214
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD Est Veh-02
Repair and Maintenance work of gear box, self starter, suspension, gaskit change, wiring including other necessary work of old crane Chatto Metro-1483 under S&D Stadium,BPDB, Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-01-24 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-02-09 15:30:00
27) Tender ID: 654284
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD EST Stationary-07
Supply of notesheet paper different size paper pen seal gala stamp pad and other monohorI materials for office use under S&D Stadium BPDB Stadium.
Published on: 2022-02-02 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-02-16 15:30:00
28) Tender ID: 646012
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-09
Line Maintenance work of 11KV,11/0.4 KV, reinstallation of transformer in load center,installation of isolator and other related necessary maintenance work of 11 KV H-13 feeder under S&D Stadium,BPDB, Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-01-10 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-01-24 16:00:00
29) Tender ID: 697330
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD EST Stationary-06
Supply of bed sheet mosquito net towel and other necessary materials for resthouse under S&D Stadium BPDB Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-05-17 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2022-06-01 15:30:00
30) Tender ID: 646002
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: STD OnM W-12
Damaged 11KV, 11/0.4 KV cable change of Chawkbazar, Gazishah lane, joynagor, Pole streighten, isolator installation and other related necessary maintenance work of 11KV H-20 Feeder under S&D Stadium,BPDB,Chattogram.
Published on: 2022-01-10 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2022-01-24 16:00:00

30 tenders found in the database for APP ID 178019.
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