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Active tender notices of the Annual Procurement Plan number 181142 published on eGP portal of Bangladesh..
APP ID: 181142
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Gaibandha
1) Tender ID: 673441
District: Gaibandha
Procurement Method: One stage Two Envelopes Tendering Method
Package No. and Title: RDRIIP-2/W-BRI-049
Construction of 160.00m Long PSC Girder Bridge with 192.00m RCC viaduct ( Biswanathpur end 96.00m & Kayaganj end 96.00m) on Gobindganj - Dinajpur R&H road Kayaganj to Biswanathpur BWDB Band via Chalk Rahimpur over Korotoa River at Ch. 180m under Gobindaganj Upazila District: Gaibandha [Road ID No. 132305237 ]
Published on: 2022-04-12 17:00:00 Document last selling: 2022-05-16 17:00:00
2) Tender ID: 682665
District: Gaibandha
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: RDRIIP-2/W-BRI-050
Construction of 62.00m Long PSC Girder Bridge (10m RCC Slab+ 52m PSC Girder) on Mofurjan Foot Bridge- Kazibari Road at ch.550m, Road ID no- 132885196, under Saghata Upazila, District: Gaibandha
Published on: 2022-04-17 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2022-05-08 17:00:00

2 tenders found in the database for APP ID 181142.
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