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Active tender notices of the Annual Procurement Plan number 204835 published on eGP portal of Bangladesh..
APP ID: 204835
Organization: Dhaka South City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer(Zone-7) DSCC
1) Tender ID: 1023797
District: Dhaka
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: Dscc/Z7/2024-2025/P02
Repairing and Maintenance works for Roads infrastructure (i.e Road, Drainage system,Foothpath,median etc) Which has been affected by recently heavy rains in ward no-71,72,73 of zone-07 under Dhaka South City Corporation (Fy-2024-25).
Published on: 2024-10-09 22:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-10-23 17:00:00
2) Tender ID: 1050648
District: Dhaka
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: zone7/TC/24-25
Emergency Repair & Maintenance of Road Infrastructures (Road, Drain, Footpath, Median etc.) of Ward no. 71, 72 and 73 under Zone 07, DSCC
Published on: 2024-12-19 22:30:00
Document last selling: 2025-01-05 13:00:00
3) Tender ID: 1050694
District: Dhaka
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: zone7/w71/southmanda
Development work of Road and Drain in lane-bylanes of Dakkhin Manda kadam ali jhilpar, purbanchol mosque lane H/2027 and Babuler bari H/1702-H/1723 of Ward 71 under Zone 07, DSCC
Published on: 2024-12-19 22:30:00
Document last selling: 2025-01-05 12:00:00
4) Tender ID: 1057526
District: Dhaka
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: z07/w73/RHD
Development work of Road and Drain in lane-bylanes from Abdus Samad Pathan's house adjacent to Manikdia belal Jame Mosjid to Jomjom tower adjacent to Titas Road (Konapara-Manikdia Club RHD road) under Ward 73, DSCC
Published on: 2025-01-06 22:45:00
Document last selling: 2025-02-04 13:00:00
5) Tender ID: 1057527
District: Dhaka
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: z07/w71/1670-1685
Development work of Road and Drain in lane-bylanes from dakkhin manda main road to Peyar Ali lane shesh matha, kadam ali markajul ulum madrasa road, Solaiman's house lane adjacent to Kadam Ali jhilpar H/1670- H/1685 and from Abdullah lane H/1797 to Bondhu Bakery lane's connecting road under Ward 71, DSCC
Published on: 2025-01-06 22:45:00
Document last selling: 2025-02-04 13:00:00
5 tenders found in the database for APP ID 204835.
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