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eGP Tender ID: 996679; Works (NCT)
Reference No.: APP ID : 203551
Package Title: IPCP/KHAG/SADAR/P/23-24/11.04
1. a) Improvement of Bhuachari Baitul Aman Islamia Dhakil Madrasa Pond
Under Sadar Upazila Dist: Khagrachari. (Area=0.56 Acre) b) Construction
of 01 No. Ghatla of (13.00m x4.00m x 3.90m) at Bhuachari Baitul Aman
Islamia Dhakil Madrasa Pond. 2. a) Improvement of Munigram High School
Pond Under Sadar Upazila Dist:Khagrachari. (Area- 0.42 Acre) b)
Construction of 01 No. Ghatla of (16.75m x4.00m x 5.40m) at Munigram
High School Pond. 3. a) Improvement of Perachara High School Pond Under
Sadar Upazila, Dist: Khagrachari. (Area- 0.48 Acre) b) Construction of
01 No. Ghatla of (16.75m x 4.00m x 5.40m) at Perachara High School Pond.
PE & Organization: Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives, Local Government Division, Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Khagrachari
Procurement Method: LTM
IFT Published on: 2024-06-19 09:00:00
Closing / Opening: 2024-07-04 12:30:00