What is PPR 2008?
All the government organisations of Bangladesh now follows a common system regulated by PPR 2008 and PPA 2006. All the public procuring entities follow the common rules and process which is know as PPR 2008 i.e. Public Procurement Rules 2008. PPR 2008 was formulated under PPA 2006 i.e. Public Procurement Act 2006. PPA 2006 was passed in the parliament in 2006. Both the PPR 2008 and PPA 2006 were enacted from 31st January 2008 which replaced Public Procurement Regulations 2003 (PPR 2003).
View this presentation to learn the basic concepts and background of PPR.
Before enactment of PPR and PPA, each government organisation was following their own system for tender processing. So that was difficult for the contractors to follow. They had to learn the procedure of each office where they want to participate in tender process. PPR 2008 has created a level playing field for all the contractors, suppliers and consultants.
Basic features of PPR 2008 are following:
- Introduction of Annual Procurement Plan (APP).
- Introduction of tender validity period. This has reduced tender processing time significantly since the Procuring Entities now bound to complete evaluation and issue Notification of Award within Tender Validity Period.
- Publication of standard tender documents.
- Standardization of tendering procedure. All the government organisations now follow the same procedure for tendering, evaluation, approval, contract signing etc.
- Standardization of contract terms and conditions through the standard tender documents.
- Introduction of unified complain handling system and formation of Review Panel.
- Introduction of various committees e.g. Tender Opening Committee, Tender Evaluation Committee, Estimate Committee, Enlistment Committee, Technical Sub-Committee etc. These committees play vital role to ensure accountability in procurement process.
- Introduction of external members in the Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC). This has increased fairness of tender evaluation.
- Central debarment system. This has reduced frivolous activities by nuisance tenderers.
- Systematic layers of contract approval. Now it is clearly defined which authority will approve a purchase proposal.
- Introduction of yearly limits for direct purchase, RFQ, LTM etc.
- Logical distribution of the risks between the procuring entity and the contractor.
- Procurement post review.
- Pre-tender meeting. This reduces may ambiguities in tender document and thus favour smooth implementaion of contract.
- Compulsory advertisement of high value procurement notices on the CPTU website. Now the intended tenderers can easily get notification of any procurement package.
Introduction of e-procurement system known as
e-GP portal is a great success of PPR.
~ Frequently used
acronyms of PPR 2008.
~ Definitions of the
terminologies of PPR 2008.
Tips for writing Technical Specifications of Goods.